This purchase is for HOA to remote tune a Ford Ranger Vehicle fitted with our HOA Stage1 Turbocharger.

We reverse the right to refund this product based on the lack of necessary equipment to do a satisfactory job (ie, no dyno, no ability to datalog) and based on the fitting of parts we do not agree to tune with (ie, turbocharger NOT from HOA or poor quality airbox etc)

After the purchase of this remote tuning session, you will need to contact us at and make a booking date. We are like you and have a full diary so need prior notice and agreeance of when we will both tune the car together. If you drop it on us same day on a day we are fully booked and unable to cope with more work, we reserve the right to refuse, so please make sure you book in your session


- PCM FLASH with MODULE 7 FOR ENGINE (highly recommended)
- PCM FLASH with MODULE 85 FOR AUTO TRANS (highly recommended)
- TACTRIX CABLE OR SCANMATIK for datalogging and flashing using pcm flash
- FORSCAN software for datalogging (we will provide you with a forscan file with the correct datapids when you book)
- alternative diagnostic equipment, snap on, autel, launch etc etc

You will need the above at a minimum for us to remote tune the engine and auto transmission on ford ranger vehicles, IF it is manual, we can work with alientech and dimsport tooling in substitute of pcm flash. WARNING, if the pcm module gets bricked, as being tuners you would be well aware of the risks, we will need pcm flash to rescue the modules remotely SO it is highly recommended you get this equipment prior to any remote tuning to guarentee success on the day.

We do not use HP Tuners for this remote tuning

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